Ayurveda Aharacharya - Diet Regime

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Ayurveda is clear on this: all health — let’s repeat this — ALL good health starts with digestion; with the proper metabolism of food.

Accordingly, one of the most important things we can do for our health every day of the year is to eat wisely.
Ahara is one of the piller of Trayothambha. Food[Ahara] is considered just as powerful as medicine. In fact, there is a sloka (writings of the ancient texts of ayurveda) that says “food is medicine when consumed properly.” If we eat foods uniquely suited to our physiology, and follow a sattvic (life supporting) routine that enhances digestion, our bodies will reap the benefits and we will find that our days will be happier, healthier and filled with real vitality — at any age.

Appropriate quantity

A proper quantity of food is essential in respect of eatable. One should always take appropriate amount of eatable. The appropriate quantity is the activator of digestive functions (agni). Both require a specific quantity for appropriate digestion whether the eatables are easy to digest (laghu) or non - easy to digest(guru).

Inadequate amount of food

Improvement of strength, growth and vigour may not occur if insufficient amount of eatables are consumed. In addition, it could become a reason for all diseases of vata origin. On other hand, amount of dosas gets increased if excess amount of food is taken.
The inadequate amount of food produce extra amount of vata and other dosas suddenly. Subsequently, associating with the undigested and vitilated food, the vitilated dosas generate disease such as alasaka by blocking the movement of food inside the alimentary tract. It could also lead to the symptoms of visucika by removing out the undigested eatable in both downward and upward directions simultaneously in individuals who loose control and take too much of foods.

Regimen of Diet.

Man should consume food at appropriate times. The meal should have the following qualities:
It should be accustomed, clean, suited to health, unctuous, hot and easy to digest. The eating should be done with due attention and it should be taken neither very quickly nor very slowly.
The meal should contain all the six tastes with pre-dominance of sweet taste. One should take meal after taking bath, after having suitable hunger, sitting in solitude, after washing the feet, hands and face, after satisfying the manes (pitrs) , gods, guest, children, preceptors and even the dependents maintained in the house such as servants, horses and other animals, parrots and other pets etc.
After carefully considering one's own constitution, likes and dislikes, iternary and the like. While consuming food, one should not scold and talk to anyone.
One should take more of liquid items. Meal should be ideally taken in the company of the like minded individuals. Those who are clean and faithful to the eater should serve him the food.
One should fill with solid eatables the two parts of the stomach. The one part of the stomach should be filled by liquid and remaining one part could be kept vacant for accommodation air and the like.

Appropriate time of meals.

One should ideally take meals after the elimination of faeces and urine, and when the mind is devoid of emotions. It is suitable to take meals when the dosas are moving in their natural paths and when belching are pure without any foul smell or taste.
One should take meals when hunger is well manifested, when the flatus is moving downwards easily, when the digestive activity is Keen, when the sense organs are clear, and when the body is light. One should take meal on time that has been prescribed as per tradition, as the customs in this regards are quite sound.

Thus , includes the discussion on Food

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 सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om, May All become Happy,

May All be Healthy ( Free from Illness )

May All See what is Auspicious,

May no one Suffer in  any way  .

Thank You ! 

Sagar Ompraskash Ugale 
email : sagarugale71@gmail.com

Dr. .D. Y. Patil College Of Ayurved and Research Centre , Pune


  1. nice useful information on food and its benefits ..how the particular food helps in digestion explained well.i believe i n Ayurveda treatment that why i like this post.
    thanks you.


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