Ayurvedic Discussion on Madhu, Taila, Vasa - Majja.

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Ayurvedic Discussion on Madhu, Taila, Vasa - Majja.

Honey - Madhu

Taking Honey prove beneficial for eyes. if breaks up hard masses of stool , relieves thirst, promotes kapha, control the poison related cases hiccups bleeding disease diabetes leprosy and other skin diseases worms vomiting dyspnea cough diarrhoea and similar symptoms. It also cleanses the alleviated wounds and unites the related parts.
It however provokes vata. It is non-unctuous and slightly astringent and sweet in taste.
In terms of its properties and action, the solidified Honey is similar to Honey.
the use of honey however could prove fatal in certain circumstances.
If it is used after heating it and if it is taken by the to suffering from great heat, if it is used during the hot season in a hot country or along with the hot eatable, the honey might prove disastrous.
however Honey does not cause any harm when used with hot water or warm water for producing vomiting or for administration of decoction enema as it comes out from body before it undergoes digestion.
Does concludes a discussion on the section of honey.

Taila - Oils

Groups of oils and other fats.
in terms of its properties tails are similar to their respective oil seeds.of them the major is that of tila. Oil of sesamum (tila) is considered the best. It possesses the properties like penetrating deep into the tissues, and spreading throughout the body fast. However, it causes disease of the skin and is bad for the eyes. It is capable to enter into the one minute pores. It is hot in potency. Without increasing kapha, it turns lean individuals into fat ones while those fat turn lean by use of this oil. It is constipating. It kills worms as well. By handling it suitably, it is capable to cure all diseases.

Castor oil - Oil of Eranda

In taste, the castor oil is bitter, pungent, sweet and laxative. It is hard to digest. It is capable to cure enlargement of the scrotum (hernia), abdominal tumors, diseases caused by vata and kapha, enlargement of stomach, intermittent fevers, pain and swellings of the waist, genitals stomach and back. Capability of penetrating deep, hot potency and bad smell are other qualities of the castor oil. Oil of red variety of castor seeds is still more penetrating. It smells bad, is sticky and hot in potency.

Mustard Oil - Sarsapa taila

The mustard Oil is strong and hot in potency. It penetrates deep. It actuates the kapha, semen and vata. It is easy to digest. However, it causes bleeding diseases. The rashes on the skin, leprosy and other skin disses, haemorrhoids, ulcers, and worms are controlled by the application of mustard Oil.

Oil of vibhitaka - Aksa Taila

The oil that is obatained from seeds of vibhitaka is sweet in taste and cold in potency. It is good for the hair, hard to digest. The pitta and vata are actuated by it's use.

Nimba oil : Neem Oil

The nimba taila is hot in potency, bitter, and capable to destroy worms. Leprosy and other skin diseases are checked by it. The oil also actuates kapha.

Uma-kusumbha taila-Linseed oil and safflower oil

Tha taila of uma and kusumbha is very hot in potency. They provide kapha and pitta and causes diseases of the skin.

Muscle fat and Marrow : vasa majja

The muscle fat and bone marrow actuate vata. They equip the users with strength, pitta and kapha. Their properties are similar to properties of the meat of animals from which they are obatained. Even the fat should also be considered as similar to the muscle fat and marrow of the animal concerned.

Thus includes the discussion on Honey, Oil , Muscle Fat and Marrow.

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 सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om, May All become Happy,

May All be Healthy ( Free from Illness )
May All See what is Auspicious,
May no one Suffer in  any way .
Sagar Ompraskash Ugale
email : sagarugale71@gmail.com

Source : Ashtanga Hrdayam

Thank You ! 


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