Exploring क्षीर - Milk

Dravyadravya Vigyaniyam is knowledge of liquid and non liquid substance in Ayurveda.

क्षीर - Milk 

All the milk is sweet in taste and at the end of digestion is unctuous and invigorating.
The milk promotes the tissues of the body and actuates vata and pitta. It is aphrodisiac. However, it is not easy to digest and is coolant. It promotes slesman ( Kapha ) as well.

Group Of Milk

गोक्षीर - Cow's Milk 

The milk of cow promotes long life, is a rejuvenator, good for those emaciated after injury especially to the chest. It also promotes intelligence, strength and breast milk; helps easy movement of the bowels. Exhaustion, dizziness, toxicity, inauspicious, dyspnea, cough, severe thirst, and hunger, long standing fevers, dysuria and bleeding diseases can be cured by cow's milk.

महीषी क्षीर - Buffalo's Milk 

Buffalo's milk is good for those suffering from very powerful digestive activity and from loss of sleep. It is cold in potency and is not easy to digest.

अजादुग्ध - Goat's Milk

The goat's milk is easy to digest as the goats drink little quantities of water , do regular Physical exercises, and consume items that is of pungent and bitter tastes. Tuberculosis, fevers, dyspnea, bleeding diseases can be cured by goat's milk.

उटणी क्षीर - Camel's milk

The milk of camel is slightly non-unctous, hot in potency and salty. It promotes hunger and is easy to digest. It is good for mitigating vata and kapha, distention of the stomach, worms, and dropsy. Enlargement of the stomach and hemorrhoids can be cured by camel's milk.

स्त्री क्षीर - Human milk

The human breast milk has been noted as the one that relieves aggravation of vata, pitta and asrk. It is capable to cure traumatic wounds. By using this in form of bathing, eye drops and nasal drops, the diseases of eye gets cured.

हस्तिनी क्षीर - Elephant's milk
The milk of she-elephant's milk is noted for invigorating properties.

Ewe's Milk

The ewe's milk is not beneficial to the heart and is hot in potency. However, it is capable to cure diseases of vata origin. Hiccup, dyspnea, too much of pitta and kapha are the symptoms produced by the regular use of the ewe's milk.

Milk of Single hoofed animals

As the milk of single hoofed animals like horse, donkey, etc. is very hot in potency, they are capable to cure vata disorders located in the blood and other tissues. It is slightly sour and salty. Lassitude is caused by its use.

The Cooked and Uncooked Milks

The milk that has not been cooked causes too much of secretion in the tissue pores and leads to blockage which is not easy to digest. The milk that has been appropriately cooked cooked is opposite in its qualities. Too much of boiling makes the milk very hard for digestion. The milk is like the nectar that is directly drawn into mouth from nipple.

Thus concludes the discussion on the Milk.

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
 सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।

Om, May All become Happy,
May All be Healthy ( Free from Illness )
May All See what is Auspicious,
May no one Suffer in  any way  .

Source : Ashtanga Hrdayam

Thank You ! 
Sagar Ompraskash Ugale
email : sagarugale71@gmail.com
Dr. .D. Y. Patil College Of Ayurved , Pune


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